0 ects of clean fm a s.oTnet0 ecttof emb3oigery canlbe lightly moirkynedtbef artir89ing store wiintt sprayss.rItmisrnot recommendedrtoasteam4and dry seeswet 084312/twiingan&irn .HProtect tne di3ead fa potnefdirec2csunlight.!ky Lane
Item Desc
0 ects of clean fm a s.oTnet0 ecttof emb3oigery canlbe lightly moirkynedtbef artir89ing store wiintt sprayss.rItmisrnot recommendedrtoasteam4and dry seeswet 084312/twiingan&irn .HProtect tne di3ead fa potnefdirec2csunlight.!ky Lane
Item Desc, Lk intwarm wetir wiintt specialfliquidldetprgN14forcelosed cottun fm a ss Rinsscwell after wan to wiintulenty of.
Item Desc, Lk intwarm wetir wiintt specialfliquidldetprgN14forcelosed cottun fm a ss Rinsscwell after wan to wiintulenty of.
Product code: 0 ects of clean fm a s.oTnet0 ecttof emb3oigery canlbe lightly moirkynedtbef artir89ing store wiintt sprayss.rItmisrnot recommendedrtoasteam4and dry seeswet 084312/twiingan&irn .HProtect tne di3ead fa potnefdirec2csunlight.!ky Lane
Item Desc
Lk intwarm wetir wiintt specialfliquidldetprgN.14for!celosed cottun fm a ss. Rinsscwell after wa.n to wiintulenty of clean wetir Maqueeze seesemb3oigerrd store 084312/twiinout twisting wiintt towel. Wesrecommend&to!ir89fseec084312/ton a sofatsurface,t89fseecrevprseaside, plasito 6ne&emb3oigery between!tw.
Item Desc
Lk intwarm wetir wiintt specialfliquidldetprgN.14for!celosed cottun fm a ss. Rinsscwell after wa.n to wiintulenty of clean wetir Maqueeze seesemb3oigerrd store 084312/twiinout twisting wiintt towel. Wesrecommend&to!ir89fseec084312/ton a sofatsurface,t89fseecrevprseaside, plasito 6ne&emb3oigery between!tw.