Thin Silver Line Nevada Department of Corrections NDOC Patch Paracord Survival Bracelet and Key store Chain Triple Set
Bracelet and Key Chain and Lanyard Triple Set - Nevada Department of Corrections DOC
Purchasing the Triple set will save you money on Shipping and the cost of each item which is less that the individual price.
A great way to show pride in your chosen profession of Corrections or your general support for those brave men and women that protect each and everyone of us daily.
What does the "Thin Silver Line" stands for:
The Silver Line represents the corrections officer and the courage they display when facing insurmountable odds protecting our state and federal prisons, penitentiaries and corrections facilities.
The Black background is a constant reminder of our fallen brother and sister corrections officers. We honor their sacrifice by never forgetting them.
The line is what they protect. The barrier between tyranny and a civilized society. Between order and chaos. Between respect for decency and lawlessness.They do a thankless job watching over some of the most dangerous men and women in our prisons and their sacrifice should definitely be honored and remembered.
Handmade in the Nitty, Gritty City of Flint. U.S. Made in the great State of Michigan from Genuine 550# paracord (approx. 8-10ft.) and includes a 3/8" SRB Side Release Buckle.
***MEASUREMENT***When making a bracelet purchase please send me your exact wrist size. I will not be able to process your order until I have your wrist size. I would admonish you not to depend on the size of other bracelets you may own, i.e., gold, silicone, etc.
Paracord is a fairly thick medium and I will add a predetermined amount of length to your wrist size to provide for a comfortable fit and the thickness of the cord.
A good way to measure you store wrist is to wrap a piece of string around your wrist, mark it and then compare the string on a ruler. Please send your measurements in Inches.