Bouquet dark red roses, fern, artificial roses, artificial flowers, artificial store flowers, decoration
Bouquet dark red roses, fern, artificial roses, artificial flowers, artificial store flowers, decoration, Here you will find a lush bouquet of dark red artificial roses - they change slightly in.
Product code: Bouquet dark red roses, fern, artificial roses, artificial flowers, artificial store flowers, decoration
Here you will find a lush bouquet of dark red artificial roses - they change slightly in various shades of red. The whole thing is combined store with leaves and fern. We have effectively distributed these bouquets throughout the home - they just make something and the bouquet you buy only 1 x. Diameter about 42 cm, H: with soupiere: about 35 cm - especially suitable for a large lower part of a soupiere. These can be found under Soupiere in the shop in other offers.